Sunday, April 25, 2010


i moved yesterday.
and the day before.
and the day before that.
(i did a lot of moving)
but let me tell you about my new apartment.
it's pretty.
pretty tables.
pretty couches (and comfy)

pretty pretty pretty.
it has stairs.
i've never lived in a house with stairs.

maybe that's why i can't walk up or down them.
it's really close to my building on campus.
the best part, though, is that i have my own room.
let me say that again
i have my own room.
yes, it's a tad small, but it is beautiful.
it has a cute wall that's a different color than the other three.
it has outlets that work.
it has shelves.
there's a hook on the ceiling for the wind chime my dad made me
(kay, i put it there, but still)
there's a pretty tree right outside my window.
i have my own dresser.
all 5 drawers are mine.
i don't have to worry about taking up too much space.
it's all mine.
pictures will come.


  1. THIS IS SO EXCITING! Sorry I couldn't come yesterday... We were cleaning and it got pretty busy. Our house was pretty nasty. But it looks way better now! Luckily, we started with the rooms no one sees when they come over... so it still looks dirty. But it's not as bad. But I'm so excited about your house! I'm coming over this week. Count on it.

  2. good. i'm so glad! it's ok, i'm just really excited for you to see it. it's really cute.
