Sunday, April 4, 2010

fun fact number 1

“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it." - P.J. O’Rourke

i judge books by their covers.

i know they say not to. but i feel like that idiom should actually say:
"don't judge a person by what he or she looks like."
it doesn't actually apply to books.

which is good. because i hate reading ugly books.

the way i see it, if you're paying an artist to draw an ugly picture, you could easily just pick a color and a font. then, you have a sleek cover that people aren't embarrassed to read.

there are books that i'm embarrassed to read. books should be pretty. books are an art form, and they should look like it. so, next time you write a book that's written for my age group, if you want me to read it, make it pretty.

these are a few of the books i read because i liked the cover:

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