Friday, April 23, 2010

brissa, i understand (also fun fact number 10)

i have a friend named brissa. she's really cool. also, she has a blog. you should read it. on her blog, she wrote this post.

in case you went temporarily blind and didn't read where i said you should read brissa's blog, missed the link to the post, or you're just defiant, i will tell you the part of her post that is pertinent to my post. brissa likes odd numbers better than even numbers. she said some people don't understand. i do.

you see, i have this thing. i don't know what it's called. my sister does. Disney had it. but let me explain.

my numbers and letters have color (mostly primary, some secondary), and the numbers have personality. 2 {blue} is a baby, 3 {red} is bossy, 5 {blue} is rude, 9 {red} is a snob. for some reason, odd numbers, in my mind, are meaner than evens.

so, brissa, i understand your number predicament. mine don't agree, but i understand.


  1. I don't know if you understand how privileged I feel to be a part of this post. Carrie O' make my world go 'round.
