Friday, April 30, 2010

guilty pleasure #1

ok, when i say "guilty," i don't really mean it, in this case. because that would require me being embarrassed of this love. and i am not. i will tell anyone, anywhere how much i love this movie. i could watch it on repeat for the rest of my life, and i doubt i would ever get sick of it.

maybe i should change this list to things i love #1. yeah. that's what i'll do.

things i love #1

what movie? you ask. oh, just the greatest shakespeare turned into soccer movie ever. maybe the only one of its kind.

so many great one liners.

have i seen it too many times if i know what positions they play?

(duke's a striker
andrew and toby are half backs
viola's a center forward {you know it bro})

if you've never seen it, shame on you. and here's the trailer. don't even bother renting it, just buy it right off the bat. because she's the man is amazing.

watch it. now. seriously. you won't regret it. it will change your life. because then, when i say the following things, which i do quite a bit...

(anyways, do you know when soccer tryouts start?

she will do great things.

be a man, rub some dirt in it.

how come when i wanted to ask out Eunice, everybody made fun of me. but now Sebastian likes her and suddenly she's cool? screw you guys, i hate high school.

so, you play the beautiful game? bro... brothers... brethren?

no, man, if you wanna kiss her, you go right ahead and you kiss her. i mean, you taker her, and you kiss her, and you kiss the crap out of her.

high five...nice.


my favorite's gouda.

you're hot, monique, smokin' hot. but the truth is, you have absolutely nothing else to offer. and when my eyes are closed, i see you for what you really are. which is UUUUGLAY! WE'RE DOOOONE!

what's that?
Kia, don't look.

i was a good friend i did your hair and your make up, and that was not easy. it was not easy vi. we're not going, you're being a girl. go.)'ll know exactly what i'm talking about. and your life will be so enriched.


  1. I love that movie. So good.
    "So... do you like cheese?"
    "I got a lifetimeaknowledge"
    "I just borrowed one of your, uh, You're right, it totally works!"
    "Even Beckham does it."
    "Now let's all get out there and play some football like a bunch of girls! Well, um, well, soccer here in the States..."

    Such an awesome movie.
