Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can we just talk about how excited I am?

I know that you're probably getting this from all angles today, it does happen tonight, but I feel that I need to put in my two cents in (although, with how exciting I am, it's probably about 3 bazillion cents).
Tonight is Harry Potter 7.
I'm sorry, that wasn't excited enough, was it?
TONIGHT IS HARRY POTTER 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know there are people out there who don't understand/care/love/cry when they think about HP, but I am not one of them, and frankly, I just don't understand them.
Seriously. Harry Potter has been such a big part of my life. Seriously. Ask me anything about it, I could probably answer correctly. I'm wearing my HP7 shirt right now.
I feel like Harry and I are super tight. But, Ron and I are tighter.
I will be crying when Neville comes to the screen, I feel like he's the most underrated character. I know everybody loves him, and talks about him, but they talk about Ron and Hermione and freaking Draco way more. As much as I love them (and I really really do), Neville just holds this place in my heart. I love him so much.
I will cry when the screen says "19 years later."
I will cry when Percy comes back, and when Fred leaves.
I will probably jump out of my skin when Mrs. Weasly offs Bellatrix.
I will cry when Snape's story gets told.
I will FREAK OUT when Ron and Hermione kiss.
Ok, guys, I could keep going, but I'm not going to. But, I will leave you with these posters (that I stole from my sister's blog).


  1. I'm glad I got to talk to you about it after I saw it, before you've seen it even though I live two hours behind. Also, I'm excited for you to see it so we can talk about it!

  2. Katie, i love that the book has been out for 5 years and you have managed to not have it spoiled for you. that is freaking amazing. also, it was amazing.
