Monday, July 11, 2011

Weirded out.

Yesterday, I took a nap. A nice long one. The kind where you are so dead asleep that it's like you're waking up from the dead.
You're disoriented (and demented, and a little nuts. Name that tune).
But mostly, you have some freaky time dreams.

I have a long history of having weird dreams. Dreams about underwear fairs and doing drugs and never ending diet cokes at Sonic.

The one I had yesterday was pretty strange, though.

My family was in New York with me. My parents, my sisters, and my cousin, Elizabeth (I'm not sure why the rest of my extended family wasn't there. I'm sure you were all invited, I just don't remember you being at the activity).

We were in the subway, and had been tasked with chasing ghosts. Yeah, ghosts. We had to run from subway station to subway station, making sure we were in the right spot when the ghosts passed. Some were going faster than others, so it also involved some math (Don't worry, if this isn't weird enough for you, it will get weirder).

The last ghost we had to meet, we had to talk to (Just as a side note, his torso was accordion-esque). At first, I didn't recognize him, then I realized, he was my brother-in-law, Tim. We each spoke with Tim individually. When he talked to me, he told me that my husband, Denny, could sometimes be an idiot.
"Um, Tim," I said, "I'm not married."
"Oh," said Tim, "your boyfriend."
"Tim, I'm not dating anyone."
"Hmmm...well Ghostbusters is still cool."
I realize the insanity of this conversation. It's pretty bizarre.

However, in my mind, the weirdest part is that, in my dream, my brother-in-law had died,

We finished our quest, got back in the van, and I stopped my family's conversation and confronted them about the member of my family that had passed. Mostly Daisy, since Tim is her husband.

They told me that he had washed an apple with warm water and put it in the microwave and it had given him cancer, which he had died from a few months earlier (Because that's real. Watch out for it), and they were sure they had told me.
They hadn't

Then I woke up.
Upon my entrance back into real life, I was pretty frustrated with my family.
Why didn't they tell me brother-in-law was...dead?
Wait a second.
Then I realized: my brother-in-law was not dead. He was on his way back to Missouri from Indiana. And he had definitely not died from cleaning his apple in a freaky town way.

But, he was right about one thing.
Ghostbusters is still cool.

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