Friday, July 22, 2011

The New York Squirrel (Sweet baby sweet baby sweet)

I realized something today.
New York is unlike anywhere else in the world.
I'm sure you're all completely shocked.
But, I realized this through something strange.
It didn't come through looking at buildings, or art, or even people.
It came from looking at a squirrel.
A very strange, but endearing, squirrel.
First of all, this squirrel was not frolicking around a park. Or trees, even.
He was walking around Union Square, trying to find crumbs left by the few people who would have eaten outside in this sweltering heat.
But, that's not all that was strange.
He was also blind in one eye. This was the first thing that attracted to me. I felt bad for him and his one eye.
He was very twitchy, very much in a hurry, and panting (It was really hot today).
He also kept laying down. Prostrate on the ground. Squirrels don't do that very often. To my knowledge. But this one did.
I really liked this squirrel.
So, yeah, New York is weird. Different. But it is also charming. It's quirks are great.
So are it's squirrels.


  1. you should have given him a tiny backrub.
    (i am actually laughing pretty hard at that picture in my head. preeeeeetttttty hard)

  2. ohmygosh. sweet baby sweet baby sweet. don't you love how that video NEVER leaves?!!? it's always in the back of my head. i try to insert it into as many conversations as possible.

  3. I've always wanted a pet squirrel!! You should have caught him for me! I would get him an eye patch and everything!!
