Thursday, July 21, 2011

My best fictional friends

Not to be one of those kids who can't think of her own ideas, but I found this today, and I thought, I have some best fictional friends. But, not just gal pals. I'm gonna use some of my best dudes too.
So, here we go. My top 10 best fictional friends.

Princess Bubblegum. Who doesn't want to be friends with her? She has tons of cool stuff that will save you, like sweaters and swords. She also lets you play the hero by being constantly kidnapped by the Ice King. Also, she has a rainicorn and is made completely out of bubble gum.

R2D2. One word: Robot. You get to be best friends with a robot. Who always understands you, and you always understand him, even if you don't speak the same language, so that makes you bilingual. And, he can talk to spaceships. Sweet.

Duckie. Because he loves Otis. And he knows how to steal a girl's heart. Even when he knows that she doesn't in fact love him, but a man who doesn't have a name but a cooking appliance. He will still go to the prom with you.

Summer Roberts. She's small and compact, and although she may be capable of a lot of rage, which sometimes causes blackouts, she's hilarious, loyal, and cares about other people. And she cares about the environment, so she would probably make me care more about the environment.

Rory Gilmore. She has more pop culture references in her head than the Internet. Also, she's really smart. I could borrow her books. She's got great clothes. We could share. I could also be friends with her mom. And have movie nights with them where I gorge myself on slim jims and red vines.

Chuck Bartowsky. He could fix my computer and teach me kung fu. Also, he is very attractive. And, we could watch Star Wars together. With R2D2. Perfect.

Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster. I don't even have to worry about assimilating into their lives. I already use their catch phrases. Whaaaat? Also, it would be amazing to get to be part of Psych. I could be their secretary. I swear, I would be better than Ken, even if I don't know 5 Mandarin words.

Veronica Mars. She is a private eye, solves ongoing murder mysteries about her best friends, is the photographer for her school newspaper, and still has time for her live friends. She also has a dog named "Back Up." I know I don't like dogs, but when your backup's name is Back Up, that's pretty awesome.

Neville Longbottom. I know. Out of all the Harry Potter characters, most people want to be friends with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. However, when I was 11, I'm pretty sure I'd never get to hang out with them. I wasn't cool enough. That's a hard group to break into. The only reason Ginny got in is because Harry needed a love interest. But, I know that I would be friends with Neville. We could have gone through our awkward stages together. Then, we could have dated. Because I love him.

Viola Hastings. She's hilarious. She's also got chutzpa. Who else, besides Shakespearean characters, would dress up like their brother so they can show the world that they can play soccer like a man? She also could probably teach me how to do one of those flip over the soccer ball moves. She does have a life time of knowledge.


  1. yesssssssss!
    i kinda want to steal this idea, but i feel like ours would very similar lists.

  2. hahaha! Love it! Especially Summer Roberts! And Viola! She has a life time full of knowledge!

  3. can i become friends will all your fictional friends? especially summer, viola, gus and shawn, neville and veronica?
